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The Priest Under the Sunset

Presenting on stage the ritualistic body vocabulary and cultural richness of the "cikawasay" (priest).


 ​Based on the tribal role of the Pangcah cikawasay (priest), the production examines the identity issues in the coexistence of Pangcah faith and Western religion in the present age. At the same, it provides imagination of the ancient through the body movements of the priest.

Kuo-Shin Chuang, the artistic director, is not about speed or the dazzling display of skills. He utilizes the unassuming body language of the priest to form a fluid geometrical space. The reflective space transforms into the disappearing culture of Pangcah priest in Taiwan, narrating the helplessness of a declining tribe while humbly documenting the passing of a generation.


Critic Review

​| ​Taiwan premiere |

The Priest under the Sunset, The Internal Prose That's Compelled to be WrittenPerforming Arts Reviews,Yu-Shih Lin



藝術總監暨編舞家Artistic Director&choreographer: CHUANG Kuo-Shin 莊國鑫
副團長Deputy Artistic Director:CHENG Ching- Hui 鄭靜

舞者:Yi-Fan Kao 、劉思羽、Yu-Lun Liou 、Wei-Li Hsu、Uti・MAYAW 、Iciyang·Namoh,Ti Hung、Chih Lin 、His-Ya Li、Miya·Namoh 、Yu-Yuan Wang 、Sawmah·Karoh、Jing-Ru Wu 、YU GAO-Yi-Cheng

Music Editor: I-Ting Chen
Lighting Designer: Yung-Hung Sung
Stage Manager: Hsiu-i Lu (Taipei and Kaohsiung) 

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